{CONCEPT: will be sent to organisations involved in IP-filtering actions}

The IP-filtering measures against XS4ALL, taking place in Germany are a
violation of International and European agreements. These agreements
include article 19(2) of the International covenant on Civil and
Political rights, and article 10 of the The European Convention on
Human Rights.

Xs4all customers are prevented from communicating with German 
internetusers, because Email is not passed through German
internet routers. Xs4all customers are prevented from accessing
German websites. Therefore you are violating article 10 of
European Convention on Human Rights: "Everyone has the right to freedom
of expression. this right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to
receive and impart information an ideas without interference by public
authority and regardless of frontiers." You are preventing our Xs4all
subscribers to execute their rights of free expression.

Some of our customers have terminated their account at Xs4all, 
because of these restrictions, that were imposed by German providers,
after an order from the German government. These restrictions have
caused a major disruption on the business interests of XS4ALL Internet BV.

XS4ALL Internet BV therefore summons you to stop filtering IP-traffic
destined for XS4ALL related hosts before midnight 18-th september 1996. 
You will be held liable for any and all damages incurred by XS4ALL
after this moment, with a minimum of 50.000DM for every day.